Sunday, October 10, 2010

The first letter to everyone.

Dear all,

This blog is created for sharing my experience of studying csc165. It will keep track of my ups and downs during the study process and introduce my own opinion and understanding of how to tackle obstacles and problems, how to optimize the process and results, what to reflect and think about when the problem is solved and also my personal feelings.

I think there's nothing better than a personal blog in tracing the paths of mind. Because it's more organized and eternal than talk and more spontaneous and natural than a well prepared book. And it can be very reflective and well written, which leaves the person the alone time to think deeper and more comprehensively.

So as for the intention of communication, any kinds of opinions or feedback are welcome. I hope this blog can be more interactive than personal. And I will really appreciate it if there are constructive and thoughtful communications going on here. :)

Also, I'm very excited for upcoming study. Things seem to get more interesting! Just need to hang in there and more proactive!
